twitter_____ = ||| lubuntu at wor2 1TXN|||China’s economy grew 2.3% in 2020 even as the rest of the world was upended by the coronavirus pandemic, according to Beijing||| kickerpage = |||no kicker pagetwitter for twitter

twitter_____ = ||| lubuntu at wor2 1TXN|||An Army reservist who federal investigators say has secret-level security clearance and a long record of posting his extremist views online was charged by federal prosecutors in connection with the Capitol riot||| kickerpage = |||no kicker pagetwitter for twitter

twitter_____ = ||| lubuntu at wor2 1TXN|||President Trump plans to issue about 100 pardons and commutations Tuesday, his final full day in office, sources say||| kickerpage = |||no kicker pagetwitter for twitter

twitter_____ = ||| lubuntu at wor2 1TXN|||A University of Kentucky senior was charged in connection with the US Capitol riot, an FBI affidavit shows. She was allegedly captured on surveillance taking a sign reading “Members Only” near the Senate chamber. <a dir="ltr" href="" target="_blank" role="link" da||| kickerpage = |||no kicker pagetwitter for twitter

CNN3: ‘”}, “chartbeat”:{“sections”:””}, “branding_content_page”:”election-day”, “branding_content_zone”:[“default”, “branding_content_container”:”default”, “cnn-money-markets”, “space-and-science”, “branding_content_card”:””} , edition: “domestic” , sourceId: “‘]BANNER=|pagerendered| ((lubuntu at wor2 1TXN))

|| Washington locks down as terrifying scope of riot becomes clear ||”},”chartbeat”:{“sections”:””},”branding_content_page”:”election-day”,”branding_content_zone”:[“default”],”branding_content_container”:[“default”,”cnn-money-markets”,”space-and-science”],”branding_content_card”:[“”]} , edition: “domestic” , sourceId: “

CNN2: subjectpartBANNER=|=”banner-text screaming-banner-text banner-text-size–char-47″ data-analytics=”_list-hierarchical-xs_article_”>Washington locks down as terrifying scope of riot becomes clear| ((lubuntu at wor2 1TXN)))

|| Washington locks down as terrifying scope of riot becomes clear ||=”banner-text screaming-banner-text banner-text-size–char-47″ data-analytics=”_list-hierarchical-xs_article_”>Washington locks down as terrifying scope of riot becomes clear

newsmax_____ = ||| lubuntu at wor2 1TXN|||Parler’s Website Back Online, but App Still Not in Stores||| kickerpage = |||no kicker pagenewsmax for newsmax


Parler's Website Back Online, but App Still Not in Stores

The chief executive of social media platform Parler, popular with conservative users but which virtually vanished after the U.S. Capitol riot, posted a brief message on the company’s website. Parler’s app, however, remains offline.

Parler’s Website Back Online, but App Still Not in Stores

The chief executive of social media platform Parler, popular with conservative users but which virtually vanished after the U.S. Capitol riot, posted a brief message on the company’s website. Parler’s app, however, remains offline.

CNN3: ‘”}, “chartbeat”:{“sections”:””}, “branding_content_page”:”election-day”, “branding_content_zone”:[“default”, “branding_content_container”:”default”, “cnn-money-markets”, “space-and-science”, “branding_content_card”:””} , edition: “domestic” , sourceId: “‘]BANNER=|pagerendered| ((lubuntu at wor2 1TXN))

|| Washington locks down as terrifying scope of riots becomes clear ||”},”chartbeat”:{“sections”:””},”branding_content_page”:”election-day”,”branding_content_zone”:[“default”],”branding_content_container”:[“default”,”cnn-money-markets”,”space-and-science”],”branding_content_card”:[“”]} , edition: “domestic” , sourceId: “

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