IA: Bob Woodson: Biden, left are weaponizing issues of race ((ingramangle_______)) ((lubuntu at wor2 1TXN))

=”//video.foxnews.com/v/6222058245001″>Bob Woodson: Biden, left are weaponizing issues of race

Woodson Center founder joins ‘The Ingraham Angle’ to discuss using Capitol riots to score cheap political points

IA: Laura Ingraham: Big Tech ‘oligarchs’ have far too much power ((ingramangle_______)) ((lubuntu at wor2 1TXN))

=”//video.foxnews.com/v/6222047428001″>Laura Ingraham: Big Tech ‘oligarchs’ have far too much power

‘Ingraham Angle’ hosts sounds off on perceptibly unamerican censorship of Trump, right-wing free speech

IA: Parler fighting back against Big Tech power grab ((ingramangle_______)) ((lubuntu at wor2 1TXN))

=”//video.foxnews.com/v/6222047593001″>Parler fighting back against Big Tech power grab

Rep. Devin Nunes R-Calif., joins ‘The Ingraham Angle’ to discuss latest attempt to silence conservatives

CNN3: ‘”}, “chartbeat”:{“sections”:””}, “branding_content_page”:”default”, “branding_content_zone”:[“default”, “branding_content_container”:”default”, “cnn-money-markets”, “space-and-science”, “branding_content_card”:””} , edition: “domestic” , sourceId: “‘]BANNER=|pagerendered| ((lubuntu at wor2 1TXN))

|| America is now a leaderless country ||”},”chartbeat”:{“sections”:””},”branding_content_page”:”default”,”branding_content_zone”:[“default”],”branding_content_container”:[“default”,”cnn-money-markets”,”space-and-science”],”branding_content_card”:[“”]} , edition: “domestic” , sourceId: “

CNN2: subjectpartBANNER=|=”banner-text screaming-banner-text banner-text-size–char-38″ data-analytics=”_list-hierarchical-xs_article_”>America is now a leaderless country| ((lubuntu at wor2 1TXN)))

|| America is now a leaderless country ||=”banner-text screaming-banner-text banner-text-size–char-38″ data-analytics=”_list-hierarchical-xs_article_”>America is now a leaderless country

HA: Democrats undermine own calls for unity with impeachment push ((hannity___________)) ((lubuntu at wor2 1TXN))

=”//video.foxnews.com/v/6222047368001″>Democrats undermine own calls for unity with impeachment push

Harvard Law School emeritus professor Alan Dershowitz sounds off on ‘Hannity’

HA: Hegseth: Authoritarian left acknowledges purging of Trump voice ((hannity___________)) ((lubuntu at wor2 1TXN))

=”//video.foxnews.com/v/6222046068001″>Hegseth: Authoritarian left acknowledges purging of Trump voice

FOX News contributor Mike Huckabee and ‘Fox & Friends Weekend’ co-host discuss suppression of conservatives on ‘Hannity’

CNN3: ‘”}, “chartbeat”:{“sections”:””}, “branding_content_page”:”default”, “branding_content_zone”:[“default”, “branding_content_container”:”default”, “cnn-money-markets”, “space-and-science”, “branding_content_card”:””} , edition: “domestic” , sourceId: “‘]BANNER=|pagerendered| ((lubuntu at wor2 1TXN))

|| Years of bad leadership from Trump leads to no leadership at all ||”},”chartbeat”:{“sections”:””},”branding_content_page”:”default”,”branding_content_zone”:[“default”],”branding_content_container”:[“default”,”cnn-money-markets”,”space-and-science”],”branding_content_card”:[“”]} , edition: “domestic” , sourceId: “

CNN2: subjectpartBANNER=|=”banner-text screaming-banner-text banner-text-size–char-47″ data-analytics=”_list-hierarchical-xs_article_”>Years of bad leadership from Trump leads to no leadership at all| ((lubuntu at wor2 1TXN)))

|| Years of bad leadership from Trump leads to no leadership at all ||=”banner-text screaming-banner-text banner-text-size–char-47″ data-analytics=”_list-hierarchical-xs_article_”>Years of bad leadership from Trump leads to no leadership at all

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